Your First Visit

What Should You Expect From Your First Chiropractic Visit?

Just as you may call a doctor when you notice a problem, so too do most people call a chiropractor because they are experiencing pain in the back, neck or somewhere else in the body.

Your immediate desire and need is to relieve the pain. Your chiropractor may be able to help you to accomplish that.

The spine is susceptible to misalignment (subluxation) caused by trauma/injury, excess of physical, emotional and or mental stress. Resulting misalignment (subluxation) may affect the nerves by irritating or applying pressure (pinching) them, which leads from the spinal cord to vital organs controlling bodily functions.

This can places extra stress on the body’s systems and over all health. Muscles will spasm to guard or protect the area from further nerve irritation by restricting movement. The muscle spasm is the symptom, not the cause. The nerve irritation is the cause. Treat the cause and all the symptoms will disappear. This is the goal of chiropractic; leave you as pain and symptom free as we can and to offer you a better quality of life.

Just as in other medical offices, you will be asked to fill out some paperwork and to offer your insurance information to the chiropractic offices. Your personal medical history will be taken and kept on file in the office in order to be able to treat you and your pain with all knowledge about your past medical history.

Once you have given your history, you will be evaluated to find out why you are having pain. The evaluation typically consists of a physical examination, but may also consist of X-rays too.

Thank you for your visit to Ambler Chiropractic, and we look forward to working with you and your family.The goal of our office is to work in partnership with you to offer improved health and decreased pain so that you can live your life to the fullest.